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Suzhou Edgecross Membrane Technology Co., Ltd.

Add: Yangshan Science and Technology Park, 8 Jinyan Road, Suzhou, 25 buildings, 3 floors

Tel: 0512-66901819

Sales contact: Bruce Zhu

Mob: 137-5716-8872 (Wechat with the same number, welcome to add!)

E-mail: zhubin@edgecross.com

Ammonia Removal from Wastewater in Pesticide Industry

Date:2019/5/24 8:50:15 Hits:1642

Brief description: Ammonia is used as raw material in some pesticide production process, and ammonia nitrogen exists in some process wastewater, which leads to wastewater not reaching the discharge standard or entering the next biochemical system. Ajik membrane contactor can remove ammonia nitrogen from wastewater to discharge standard at low cost. Compared with traditional ammonia evaporation, stripping and stripping, it has obvious advantages in investment cost and operation cost.

Detailed introduction

Case I

        Anhui pesticide enterprise is one of the largest pesticide manufacturers in China. A high ammonia nitrogen wastewater will be produced in the production process of Paraquat Branch, which is difficult to meet the standard.
        After many investigations and elimination of traditional processes such as ammonia evaporation and stripping, the owner selected Ajik ammonia removal membrane for on-site pilot test for nearly a month. The final operation effect meets the owner's needs!
       This water also has a feature: COD value is very high, up to 20,000 ppm, the general internal pressure ammonia removal membrane can not bear!

       Technological process:

Live pictures

Edgecross deamination membrane rack


Pretreatment facilities (sand, carbon and submerged ultrafiltration)

Case 2

        In a domestic listed pesticide enterprise, ammonia nitrogen in evaporative condensate exceeded the standard. Carbon source in water is insufficient and can not be biodegraded; PH is alkaline, and the amount of acid added by reverse osmosis and electrodialysis is too large... After comparison of various processes, Ejik's transmembrane phase separation process is finally selected. The advantages of this process are as follows:

      1. Ammonia nitrogen in evaporative condensate is basically free ammonia, which meets the condition of phase separation deamination.

      2. The water temperature is high, which meets the condition of phase separation deamination.

      3. There are no SS and particulate impurities in water, and the pretreatment process is simple (microfiltration is enough).

      4. Ammonia nitrogen content in water can be designed according to owner's demand.

     5. By-product ammonium sulfate can enter the owner's existing evaporator, make ammonium sulfate crystal, produce economic value, and truly achieve waste resource utilization!

      System Introduction:

      Processing capacity: 200 tons/day

      Ammonia nitrogen content in influent water:2000mg/L

      Ammonia nitrogen content in effluent:≤80mg/L

Live photos:

Edgecross deamination membrane rack


Intake Heat Exchange System                                                             Influent microfiltration system

Next:Ammonia removal from persulfate wastewater

Sale:137-5716-8872 (Mr. Zhu)
Add: Yangshan Science and Technology Park, 8 Jinyan Road, Suzhou, 25 buildings, 3 floors
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